Today’s data is incomplete. Thousands of reports are pending review. Additionally, today’s data includes positive test results that were delayed because of technical issues related to lab reporting. Please bear with us as we work through the surge in testing. Also, please note that because of the Thanksgiving holiday, Thursday’s daily numbers will be reported on Friday.
What are you bringing to Mom’s?
Think carefully about what you’re bringing to the table to share with your loved ones this holiday season.
Ask Ohio
How do we recover from a global pandemic unlike anything we’ve ever seen before? Ask Ohio, we’ll show you.
Don’t let up
All it takes to start a chain reaction is to let up. The battle against COVID-19 isn't over. #InThisTogetherOhio
Flatten The Curve
Flatten The Curve
I Believe - Face Masks
Face masks make a real difference. #InThisTogetherOhio